Стационарный кран LGX I
все виды оборудования от одного производителя...

Стационарный кран LGX I - эффективность вдвойне

A double bill of efficiency
A crane system that includes two stationary cranes is in use at the recycling company STENA in Hallstahammar, Sweden.

STENA Recycling is one of the leading companies in Sweden's recycling industry and, with more than 1,000 employees, operates almost 80 recycling plants between Malmö in the south of the country and Kiruna in the north. Founded in 1939, the company is still family-owned and handles about 2.8 million tonnes of recyclable materials per year. The company offers individual recycling solutions and all related services to its customers, which range from small businesses to multinational corporations in various industries.

Since June 2015, two LGX I heavy-duty cranes from Baljer & Zembrod have been bolstering the company's capabilities at its Hallstahammar site in Sweden. STENA had decided in favour of these crane systems due to their high load capacity of 4,600 kg and reach of over 13 m. Both crane arms are operated from a single unit that includes a control system, which makes the system extremely effective. The cranes are operated with only one 110 kW hydraulic power pack, which reliably drives the desired crane by means of a changeover switch. Due to the raised concrete foundations, the material can be stored in close proximity to the crane, which saves storage space. In the future, the cranes will feed material into a new scrap cutter. The cranes are controlled alternately from the cutting station by means of a supplied control seat. A further plus point for the Baljer & Zembrod system was its particularly stable turntable compared to the competition’s.

About STENA Recycling Group:
Internet: www.stenarecycling.se
